Before I will proceed to the final point of discussion, may I ask you? Do you have your own family? How many kids do you have? Did anything go fine? Did both of you as husband and wife work together? Those several question would normally asked towards people who are married now, how to handle your works along with taking care your children.
People have different techniques in rising up their children or handling them while working in a distant place or at home-based. Countless parents know how to manage their works plus takes care their children whereas others don’t know how. How do you balance your family and works regularly? Usually, a parent has more time or longer hours to work as the same time as their bonding to their kids have no enough time, agree? Have you noticed this kind of management within yourself or have you try or handle your children this way? Wait, this is not good to your kids.
To find the solution, balancing a family as well as your works is the most important. If you can’t balance well, there would be great chances that your kids will go to the wrong path or direction of life as they grow little by little. Let’s site for an example, if you don’t give sufficient time to make some bonding to your kids, your children will find a friend outside that will comfort them, tell their problems, and a companion wherever places they will roam around without your presence at their side always. What if they would find a bad influence friend that would be a great danger plus one way of making your child bad too. Do you like to happen this to your own child? Of course, absolutely not; and then what should you do? You must take your immediate action before it’s too late.
Positive direction or paths will depend on the parent’s teaching and discipline. The attitude of a child will start at home, so parents will play a great, flexible role in disciplining your kids. The simple way of making close to your kids is to bond with them frequently. If you can’t go outside, in your own home; you can do something interesting that makes your child feels important. Talking to your child in soft voice and don’t shout , go out for family dinner, always remind and teach your children to follow the right path in life are the simple steps you could do to your kids while working regularly. And most of all, as parents be a role model to your kids like going to church, watching movies at home as family with your great guidance and companion. You can work from Monday to Friday but don’t forget to give additional time to your kids.