With regards to their performance, personal computer and laptop are both the same. They can do internet working as well as can exchange a few words friends abroad or locally. At this moment, how they differ? Can you guess what their differences are? Today, as technology has keep on expanding, there are countless devices had been made and produced in the marketplace. Perhaps, most people are keep on updating what are new in the global market. Some are easily fascinated and get one with the latest features on laptops, cellular phones as well as PC and other gadgets and others don’t have money to spend that’s why they are just keep on looking on it even though they want it.
As year’s increases, technologies have keep on discovering or made some invention which is now in the latest version to all gadgets that has been out in the marketplace. Like for example PC or personal computer, before there is no flat screen PC’s but now, flat screen are pervasive with highest version of CPU’s performances, there are also custom-built computers that really suits your budget. Laptops also have different models, brands, version and physical appearances.
Well, if you don’t know yet what is laptop or computer; I know you are not ignorant about internet; you can explore the countless information’s about laptop or PC. You can just go to your preferred site like yahoo, Google, Ask, Bing and other search engines. All the information you want is there to let your brain filled about them.
Talking about the dissimilarity between PC and laptop, they only differ on its shape. Laptop is slim than PC. Laptop is rechargeable and you can bring it anywhere with your friends while PC is not, PC is bulky and very hard to carry. Some electronic experts said that it’s better to choose PC than laptop because for just incase your PC has in trouble or have parts that are destroyed, there are many spare parts available in the supermarkets while laptops are said to be rare. As a result, what do you prefer to buy laptop or PC?
Though shapes are their difference, they are means of communication. They are both important. If you have extra money you can buy both, if you don’t have just chosen what is best for you depending on your life status. If you do online job at home, you can purchased a PC however if you are keep on travelling you can used laptop.
As year’s increases, technologies have keep on discovering or made some invention which is now in the latest version to all gadgets that has been out in the marketplace. Like for example PC or personal computer, before there is no flat screen PC’s but now, flat screen are pervasive with highest version of CPU’s performances, there are also custom-built computers that really suits your budget. Laptops also have different models, brands, version and physical appearances.
Well, if you don’t know yet what is laptop or computer; I know you are not ignorant about internet; you can explore the countless information’s about laptop or PC. You can just go to your preferred site like yahoo, Google, Ask, Bing and other search engines. All the information you want is there to let your brain filled about them.

Though shapes are their difference, they are means of communication. They are both important. If you have extra money you can buy both, if you don’t have just chosen what is best for you depending on your life status. If you do online job at home, you can purchased a PC however if you are keep on travelling you can used laptop.