The recent discussion about the implementation of DTI permits on blog contests caused a lot of noise over the web. DTI states that if there's a product purchase, broad consumer participation, promo period, use of tri-media, and a promise of gain, the promotion activity requires a permit. For bloggers, this is simply a matter of common sense and there is really NO NEED for them to require permits.
Is this an act of resourceFOOLness in the part our government agencies?
- BIR once asked pedicab (padyak) drivers to pay taxes (it's really funny of them trying to target small-scale profit earners rather than monstrous tax evasion of business elites.
- SLEX and NLEX toll free increases
- And many more
This is really something that says - the government needs more money and they will hunt down every people who earn profit whether it's off-line or online who don't want to share the cut. Seriously, if they will continue to implement this kind of rule, the results are rather insignificant. In fact, the rule on DTI permits doesn't apply on bloggers who just want to promote their blogs, not products. If you have some time to spend on DTI's senseless preposition, you'll find out that most of the things stated don’t rule over blog contests.
One thing is for sure, we need a reliable cyber law that can rule over anything done online. I believe that bloggers are intelligent creatures and will always find a way to straighten up DTI's unbelievable act. Let's just hope that legislators create something that'll be of use by the modern Filipino.