When a person visits your website, you earn an Alexa point that contributes to your ranking. If there are lots of people who installs an Alexa toolbar and visits your website, you’ll be able to progress in the ranking system. Competing with Yahoo and Google (who seems to share the top spot) is quite senseless, but improving your ranking will greatly affect the income you produce. Advertisers will pay you more if your website is included in the top 100,000.
Affiliate companies such as Sponsored Reviews, ReviewMe, and Text Link Ads often use the Alexa ranking in determining pay outs. If you start improving your ranking along with these companies, you’ll be able to earn so much more. With the millions of websites in the internet, how can you at least be included in the top 100,000? Here are great ideas (and also sneaky ones) to improve your websites Alexa ranking.
1. Install the Alexa toolbar in your web browser. Set your website/blog to be your homepage (at least you get some points every time you browse the internet!).
2. Encourage people you know – your friends, family, ex-girlfriend, boyfriend, ex-wife, divorce lawyer, and whoever you know to install the Alexa toolbar. Then tell them to set their homepage into your website/blog.
3. Write contents in your website that will invite webmasters and techies. It might be a little difficult, but they’ll always have an Alexa toolbar on their websites to contribute to your page ranking.
4. Of course, you should blog about Alexa ranking system. That way, you’ll be able to get lots of attention from people who are very interested in page ranking who are most likely to have an Alexa toolbar installed in their web browsers.
5. Write guests blogs and forum comments that contains the URL of your website. If you’ve written something useful, you will always have great results.
6. Post on East Asian websites and forum sites (most people there are Alexa users too).
7. Buy some ads from Google and invite keyword researchers in your websites.
8. Social networking sites are also useful in making your website popular (Facebook, twitter, Digg, MySpace, and many more.)
9. Lastly, create useful contents that will be enjoyed by readers and make them visit again.