♠ Be organized - Being organized will not cause stress and one feels in control with the situation. Practice yourself to organize your things, time and daily activities. Even organizing your desk in a workplace can make you feel good and eliminate any forms of stress.
♠ Rest - A person with a stress free life should have the right amount of rest every day. Stressful behaviors are often a result of insufficient sleep. Getting the right quality of sleep will help your body recover from stress and eliminate any forms of mental as well as physical stress.
♠ Have a healthy diet - It is always recommended to have a healthy diet. By eating great amount of fruits as well as vegetables every day and by avoiding fats and unhealthy foods, the person’s brain will function properly thus, stress is not experienced.
♠ Exercise every day - People who often exercise are those who always feel good. Scientifically speaking, the brain will function properly if there is enough oxygen in it. So take time to walk or jog every day.
♠ Own a pet - Whether you want a pet dog, cat, rabbit or anything, owning it can be a great way to relieve stress. Their sweet and cuddling characteristics will draw a positive atmosphere to the house and thus, relieve stress.
♠ Always think positive - Stress can possibly be alleviated by always recognizing the positive side of some things. Instead of getting disappointed to an unfinished task, be thankful for the successful previous works you have done. Feeling good will minimize the feeling of stressed out.
♠ Allow yourself to have a break - Even if you are too busy with your work, give yourself a break to relieve the tension and stress. Stretch your muscles a little bit before you start working again.
♠ Light any size of candle - Lighting a candle is a symbol of optimism and hope. Keep a candle in your desk and light it up. Whenever you see its light, you will be able to reflect on the positive things in life and will eventually keep the stress away.
♠ Be relaxed - A lot of people are too focused with their work and they tend to forget how to relax. Regardless of how busy you are, take time to do deep breathing exercises and relax your mind. That way, you will deliver a great job and stress is not experienced.
♠ Never be ashamed of talking to someone - As the maxim says, no man can live in an island. Talk to other people and share your life to them. They will know and get something from you and somehow, you will learn from their experiences too.