Maybe you don't like to exercise but it is possible that you like to move. Think back when you were just a kid. If you were like most of the kids out there, then for sure you are also like the Energizer bunny, always running around and jumping all over the place. Somewhere along the way though, you've lost that energy, you've lost the desire to move. And it doesn't help that moving in the world of adults means paying a hefty monthly gym fee to have people force you to “move” in a structured and organized manner.
When you were a kid, you didn't think that you are working out. All you know is that you are having fun. You do the things that seems fun to you such as ride a bike, run around inside your house, chase animals, climb tress and play ball with other kids. This is also why you have more energy when you were a kid. The paradox of exercise is that you get more energy from expending energy. If you are more active, you get more things done. You were also happier back then because of the amount of endorphin that gets released when you do some physical activity.
Does this mean that you have to be childlike to love exercise? The point is that you don't have to look at exercise as exercise. You need to view it as a fun activity that you do as recreation and not because you are after some goal such as to lose weight or to build muscles. When you were a kid, you were not at all concerned about having big muscles or a six pack. You just wanted to move because it is fun to do so.
Of course, it would help if you can really find some fun activities. If you love the outdoors, then you can try hiking or even running. If you love team sports, then you can play basketball. There's nothing like a fun activity to bring back the kid inside you. One fun activity that you can do at home is rebounding. It is an activity that uses a needak rebounder or a mini trampoline. If you think that jumping up and down a trampoline is fun then you will definitely have a blast with rebounding.
You don't have to force yourself to love exercise to get its benefits. All you need to do is to change your perspective.